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Frequently Asked Questions

Check your Butte College email for updates and Award Letter information. Make sure you have submitted all Required Documents by going to WebAdvisor and under Financial Aid check your Required Documents. Students must have all Required Documents on file and reviewed by the Financial Aid Office prior to awarding Federal Student Aid. Please note: Review of required documents by the Financial Aid Office can take 2-4 weeks. Students must be enrolled and have financial aid eligibility for the current year to receive a disbursement.

See Disbursement Dates at Disbursement Dates.html Orientation sign-ups begin in early May for the Fall Semester and late October for the Spring Semester. Visit the Orientation webpage to sign-up for your Orientation. Watch the videos and then scroll down and pick your appropriate Orientation option. When Orientation dates appear, scroll down to the day that shows spaces available and works for you and then click on small red REGISTER link.

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